Education graduates leave $700,000 for scholarships

Judith Johnson Hale
Judith Johnson Hale, 1964 yearbook photo


The Chadron State Foundation has received a large contribution from the estate of Ralph and Judith Hale, a couple who graduated from Chadron State College’s education program in the 1960s and later established careers in Las Vegas, Nev.

 Connie Rasmussen, executive director of the foundation, said the contribution from the estate will total about $700,000 when finalized. The gift will generate student scholarships through the Hale Johnson Driscoll endowment. The general scholarships are awarded to students of all grade levels.

Judith “Judi” Johnson Hale, who died May 31, 2011, experienced exemplary success as a student at Chadron State College and later as a high school teacher. She taught English and journalism at Edward Clark High School in Las Vegas for 27 years ending in 1995, and another five years at a Las Vegas private school. The school newspaper and yearbook at Clark High won many state and regional honors under her direction.

Prior to moving to Las Vegas in 1968, both Hales taught at Hyannis High School for two years.

Judith Hale was valedictorian of Chadron Prep’s class of 1961 and graduated summa cum laude from Chadron State College in 1965. During her senior year at CSC, she was president of five organizations and served as editor of the school newspaper and the yearbook. She also was state treasurer of the Student Education Association and worked in the Field Relations Office.

Ralph Hale, a native of Scottsbluff, also was a member of CSC’s Student Education Association chapter and graduated in 1964. After moving to Las Vegas, he established a career as a photographer. He died in 2004.

“I had the pleasure of meeting Judi during trips to Nevada. She was civically engaged both as a student in Chadron and throughout her career,” Rasmussen said. “Through this outstanding contribution, she will assist youth for generations to come, just as she did in the classroom.”

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News, Chadron State Alumni & Foundation