Many activities set to help new students succeed

Chadron State freshmen enjoy burgers from last year's Jump Start barbecue.
Chadron State freshmen enjoy burgers from last year's Jump Start barbecue.


An array of activities both before and after classes begin have been scheduled to help Chadron State College students get the school year off to a good start. Classes will begin Monday, Aug. 23.

The first of the programs, Jump Start, will begin Thursday, Aug. 19 and continue on Friday. It is designed to help new students become acquainted with both the college and the community. Approximately 175 students have signed up to take part along with many of their family members, swelling the total numbers to around 400.

The following day, approximately 25 students who have been accepted into the ELITE program designed to promote academic success will participate in Summer Bridge. Also on Saturday, an open house for incoming students majoring in the health professions is scheduled.

During the first week of classes, an assortment of events will be available to help students make new friends, learn about their new surroundings and have some fun.

“The first few days of college can be very traumatic,” said Sharon Rickenbach, director of Student Academic Success Services and coordinator of Jump Start. “For most of the freshmen, this is their first time away from home and they’re in an entirely new atmosphere. We’re trying to help the students become familiar with the campus and the town and assist in the adjustments that are necessary.”

Rickenbach added that having a child go off to college is a big change for parents. Younger brothers and sisters also notice the change. That’s why the entire family is invited to take part in the early portions of Jump Start, giving everyone a glimpse of what’s ahead for the new Joe (or Josie) College.

The participating students can move into their residence hall rooms on Thursday. The first activity will be “a taste of Chadron” that evening. It will introduce them to various restaurants in Chadron to sample goodies.

Following breakfast Friday morning, tours of the campus will be conducted to show the students where their classes will meet. Families will be encouraged to tag along, Rickenbach said.

At noon Friday, the Chadron Ministerial Association will be serving buffalo burgers to the participants on the Dean’s Green north of the Administration Building. That afternoon, after the parents have headed home, karaoke and other forms of entertainment will take place. The students will attend the all-college picnic that evening.

Rickenbach said this is the second year for Jump Start. A survey of last year’s participants indicated that 90 percent of them would recommend it to others.

The Summer Bridge program on Saturday will include instruction in using the college’s computer systems and several tests designed to steer the students toward assistance programs that can help them be successful. Most of the participants will be first-generation college students.

The Health Professions Open House will include discussions on the various programs designed to promote academic success. Information on student activities also will be available.

The theme for the Week of Welcome during the first week of classes is the Wild Wild West. Activities will include a dance, swimming at the city pool, a nacho run, a program on “making college count,” a Western casino night, the Host Parent Dinner Thursday, Aug. 26, a concert Friday night and free movies at the Eagle Theater Saturday night.

-Con Marshall, Director of Information

Category: Campus Events, Campus News